Thursday, September 10, 2009


I sat in class 8b Pangudi Luhur 46. time during gym class, and the girls to lazy to exercise. and I happen to bring camera, so we are all girls class photos. and this is the pictures. but only partially ya

definite, I LOVE 8B !

do not know what to write

hello all. I do not know what to write here, because I do not have a story to tell. actually there are many stories that should I write here, but I am somewhat reluctant to tell her, because the story is very long, so I'm lazy to write it. This apology is not very important, because I did not know what to tell.

okey all, already had it. byebye


heeey, gue mau ngepost something, but do not know what to write and say anything. because being there was no subject.

plusplus taniaa, tania nya waktu itu ga dateng

The first is Oca

The second is Alea

The third is Angie

The fourth is Anggit

The fifth is Sekar

The sixth is Dinda

The seventh is Dea

And the last is Tania

And this is me, Nicole

kita itu kl di sekolah main nya bareng-bareng, emang harusnya begitu yaaa. kl bisa persahabatan kita ini terus berjalan sampe kita udah gede, jangan ngelupain, jangan ada yang sebel2an lagi, pokoknya jangan ada masalah2 lagi yaaa. thank you so much guysss, because you always cheer me on when I sad, you always help me while my hard, you're always there when ever I need you. its principal you are always there whenever.
pokoknya I LOVE YOU GUYSS !


COMING SOON PL CUP XI ! Keep your spirit up, and be the one !